
New Release

A Dog's Odyssey

A Dog’s Odyssey is based on a true story. It combines a charming narrative of the life experiences of Rosy, a loyal Akita, and beloved family pet, with a subtle commentary on human society and the animal world today. Rosy is a proud Akita with a stubborn streak and strong principles. Join her in her thoughts and experiences adapting to motherhood and strange cultures as she travels through stunning landscapes and urban towns from Japan to China and America. Meet the other colorful members of her household: Milly the Maltese; Whisky the Tabby; the regal Genie, an Asian Leopard cat; and Felix, an intelligent robotic dog. As Rosy begins to come to terms with the passing of time and its toll on her weary body, the book will tug at readers’ heartstrings. This tearjerker work entertains animal lovers of any age and background.

eBook available on Amazon Kindle

Beautiful color hard copy available on




Weekly Best Seller.


What They Say

This is a dog lover’s must read. Love the story of a beloved family pet.

Author of the Month


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Book by Lucy Chen

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