
In Search of greatness...


Most first-generation immigrants harbor lofty ambitions when they begin their journey to America. This book uses the stories of five first-generation immigrant pioneers to show the challenges faced by new immigrants eager to succeed in American business. The stories honestly reveal the norms, communication styles, mindsets, and politics of corporate business to help other brave souls newly embarking on the same path.

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Latest Book Release

Onward: A Dog’s Odyssey

Lucy Chen is an animal lover with many pet stories to tell as this book illustrates. She is also the author of “Pathfinder: A Guide to a Successful Career for First-Generation Immigrants” a guide to a successful career for younger and newer generations attempting to build a professional life in the United States. Lucy, her family, and her pets live in California.


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What They Say

This is a wonderful book. I got this book because I was searching for guidance. I thought Pathfinder might give me more information about my career advice. I was not disappointed. This book helped me so much. I learned a lot about managing my relationships at my work. Moving forward, I know I’ll be able to solve my problems at work. I highly recommend this book to anyone who need real advice and guidance to advance.

Author of the Month


Lucy Chen is the author of “Pathfinder: A Guide to a Successful Career for First-Generation Immigrants.” She was born and raised in China before pursuing higher education in the United States and a successful career in California’s high-tech industry. During her career journey, she went to Asia as an expat for nearly ten years before returning to Silicon Valley. Lucy Chen was selected by the National Diversity Council in 2021 as among the “Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Technology” in the United States.

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